Information Category

Urban Resilience Hub [UN Habitat – for a better urban future]

Resilient Campaign will continue beyond 2020 with the support and recommendations of many partners and participants. The Campaign has been assured through two documents adopted by government and international stakeholders: the Local and Sub-National Governments Declaration at the 2015 UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai, Japan, and “The Florence Way Forward” adopted […]

Molecular Solar Thermal Energy Storage System [MOST]

The development of solar energy can potentially meet the growing requirements for a global energy system beyond fossil fuels, but necessitates new scalable technologies for solar energy storage. One approach is the development of energy storage systems based on molecular photoswitches, so-called molecular solar thermal energy storage (MOST). Spread the word

Management of Urban Infrastructures – On Line course

100% online learning from the world’s best universities and companies, from courses to degrees. Several of them are dealing with sustainability, efficiency and, of course most interesting, resilience. Following course is just one example, recommended for anybody, especially young generation. I am suggesting to explore other courses, few very interesting for our cause, and all […]

The Museum of Tomorrow

…”The cities of the future will need a new approach to health care, and one that is embedded in the ecological sustainability of place as well as people. One area where there is massive room for improvement is the production and distribution of food. Currently, much of the food that is eaten in cities is […]

Money Speaks

Last week I attended a day on building better cities and climate change at the Global Economic Forum here in Toronto. There the panels are made up of investment bankers who control and invest billions, entrepreneurs in battery technology, smart cities, and solar, as well as government leaders. The message was clear. . . fossil […]

Success of COP24 in Katowice – We have a global climate agreement

The Global Climate UN – COP24 in Katowice ended in success. Negotiators from 196 countries and the European Union worked for two weeks on the Katowice Climate Package, implementing the Paris Agreement. Spread the word

Visualising world population density

This project wields data from the Global Human Settlement Layer, which uses “satellite imagery, census data, and volunteering geographic information” to create population density maps. Visualising world population density as an interactive multi-scale map using the global human settlement population layer. Spread the word

Beyond environment: falling back in love with Mother Earth

Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh explains why mindfulness and a spiritual revolution rather than economics is needed to protect nature and limit climate change. … Move beyond concept of the “environment” Spread the word