Monthly Archives: September 2022

Urban greening can reduce impact of global heating in cities

Urban greening initiatives such as planting street trees, rainwater gardens and de-paving can help mitigate the impacts of urban heating due to the climate crisis and urban expansion, according to a study that has found cities have been warming by 0.5C a decade on average. Scientists at Nanjing and Yale Universities analysed satellite data from […]


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We Are Resilient Opening Event

The City of Mississauga’s Environment Section and Museums of Mississauga have joined together to curate an exhibition exploring climate change and climate action in our City. See compelling photographs and stories created by Mississauga residents, perspectives from international scientific leaders and learn how you can take climate action today! Spread the word

C40’s triennial climate action Summit

The C40 Summit is a critical moment ahead of COP27 to share and learn from cities’ climate action successes. A diverse coalition of thought leaders and influential decision-makers will showcase innovative solutions, expertise and perspectives around three key pillars; a fair and inclusive pandemic recovery, wellbeing cities, and the urgent need for climate finance. Spread […]

As Colorado River Dries, the U.S. Teeters on the Brink of Larger Water Crisis

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‘I’m glowing’: scientists are unlocking secrets of why forests make us happy

How happy do you feel right now? The question is asked by an app on my phone, and I drag the slider to the space between “not much” and “somewhat”. I’m about to start a walk in the woods that is part of a nationwide research project to investigate how better to design the forests […]

Minutes: R 2:1 Board Meeting August 29, 2022

Board meeting R 2:1 Board Meeting of  Resilience 2:1 was held on August 29, 2022 Spread the word