Information Category

Creative Disruption – Resilient Cities Start Here

Join Future Cities Canada on Wednesday, July 21st at 10am at The Summit, and speakers, Catherine Tàmmaro, Edward Burtynsky and Umbereen Inayet for this exciting discussion brought to you by City of Toronto. Spread the word

Indigenous Canada – Course

Highly recommendable course, promising to change your view towards this extremely important issue is offered by Indigenous Canada, University of Alberta, a 12-lesson MOOC that explores Indigenous histories and contemporary issues in Canada. It is free for anybody who wants to enrol. Spread the word

The health costs of climate change

Climate change is not just an environmental and economic threat. It’s also a threat to public health—and policy isn’t keeping up. The second report in our Costs of Climate Change series finds that the impacts of climate change on health could cost Canada’s healthcare system billions of dollars and reduce economic activity by tens of […]

Why planting a tree is a radical act – Joseph Beuys

In 1982, artist, environmental activist and German Green Party founder Joseph Beuys began what was arguably his most seminal work: the planting of 7,000 oak trees around a city in central Germany. Beuys conceived 7000 Eichen (or Oaks) as a way of re-connecting the traumatised citizens of Kassel – which had been heavily bombed in […]

Interested in nature – Happy Fathers Day

This is not about me, this is about young generation that understands in the early stage of their life [my granddaughter Lumen is 4 1/5 years old] importance of the nature. “Deda would like the birds + leaves because he is interested in nature” Spread the word

School of Climate Management

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Ten reasons to be hopeful about climate action

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Let’s make our children’s children proud

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