How India’s air pollution is being turned into floor tiles

This is amazing article of how small invention, a low-cost system, can capture the pollution. Aleks

Smog is a leading cause of ill health around the world, but one Indian inventor is hoping to make it easier to breathe by scrubbing soot from the air and recycling it.

Fired by his own experience of the effects of air pollution on his health, Angad Daryani is one of a growing number of entrepreneurs hoping to clean up India’s skies. His solution is to capture the soot and other polluting particles in containers so it can be turned into something useful like building tiles.

His solution to the problem is a beguilingly simple one – develop a low-cost system that can capture the pollution so it can be turned into something else.

While studying engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology in the US, Daryani designed an outdoor purification system that removes particulate matter and other pollutants from the air. The device sucks in the polluting particles and collects them in a container, leaving clean air in its place.

=> Read complete article by By Isabelle Gerretsen on BBC

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