Information Category

How Regenerative Agriculture is a solution to global challenges

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Indigenous Climate Hub & Climate Action

#01. The vision of Indigenous Climate Hub is to provide a platform for Indigenous peoples across Canada to share their climate change experiences and stories. #02. Indigenous Climate Action (ICA) is an Indigenous-led organization guided by a diverse group of Indigenous knowledge keepers, water protectors and land defenders from communities and regions across the country. […]

Canada’s Drive to Net Zero

The Trudeau government began its second term pledging tougher 2030 carbon targets, a net-zero target for 2050, greater climate accountability, and a whole-of-government response to the climate crisis. With the focus now shifting to building back better through green recovery investments, will Canada show up as a climate leader or laggard, at home and abroad? […]

How to build resilience

Strategies from mental health professionals on how to bounce back from challenges with actionable steps. Spread the word

Engaging Canadians on Continued Climate Action

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Portraits of Resilience

I would like to share with Resilience 2:1 community my work submitted for the Art Gallery of Ontario [AGO] “PORTRAITS of RESILIENCE” an open call for artists to participate in an online exhibition of artworks showcasing moments of emotion and RESILIENCE in everyday life. Spread the word

Our biggest challenge? Lack of imagination

Flying into Egypt in early February to make the most important presentation of his life, Ties van der Hoeven prepared by listening to the podcast 13 Minutes To The Moon – the story of how Nasa accomplished the lunar landings. The mission he was discussing with the Egyptian government was more earthbound in nature, but […]

Climate Action Toolkit

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