Information Category

Window closing’ to meet 1.5C warming target

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Reminders for COP26 in Glasgow

We received two reminders about upcoming COP26, one for ICLEI and the second one from EAUC . They both deserve attention from all of the members. Here they are: Spread the word

Street trees: A wonder of climate adaptation

Street trees have many benefits, but their climate impact is becoming more important all the time. Urban trees are among the most powerful tools that designers can use to help communities both mitigate and adapt to climate change. Trees are like outdoor air conditioners that operate as carbon sinks. Spread the word

Flood and erosion control study at Toronto Island Park

Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), in partnership with the City of Toronto, is undertaking a flood and erosion control study at Toronto Island Park. Spread the word

8 Billion Trees

We’re living in a critical time of global warming issue, and we HUMANS are the major cause who are responsible for this. We are increasingly influencing the climate and the earth’s temperature by burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests, and farming livestock. Spread the word

ICLEI’s annual conference on resilience

ICLEI’s annual conference on resilience kicks off on Monday. Yes, online again. Free. You can register at the Daring Cities site. And once registered, if you miss a session, you have access to recordings and podcasts and reports later. Spread the word

Note to R2:1 Members

Meetings I have been to that may require action 1. CrewResilience; 2. Climate Action Network; 3. Deb Morrison; 4. ACE meeting; 5. Hadi’s project Spread the word

Minutes from Board Meeting

Minutes from very productive Resilience 2:1 Board meting held on September 9, 2021 are posted on our website. Spread the word