Author Archives: Aleksandar Janicijevic

Keeling Curve Prize spotlights promising climate projects

Each year, the global Keeling Curve Prize awards prizes of $25,000 to each of 10 winning climate projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions or promote carbon uptake. Spread the word

Support La Rose youth climate lawsuit plaintiffs

Stand with these 15 youth in climate court action Fifteen young people are going to court for climate justice, demanding that the federal government stop violating their charter rights by perpetuating dangerous climate change. They want government to develop a science-based climate plan. Spread the word

Daring Cities 2020 Report: Know More, Act Better, Lead Together

When ICLEI and our partners in the Federal City of Bonn and the German government began formulating a way to build on the 10-year legacy of the Resilient Cities Congress series, we were conceiving an event that could speak to, and serve, the decade before us – humanity’s best chance of preserving a livable future […]

UN Climate Ambition Summit

On Saturday 12th December the United Nations are convening the Climate Ambition Summit, in partnership with UK, France, Chile and Italy. This is a monumental step towards COP26. This is bringing leaders together to declare greater ambitions to meet and deliver the Paris Agreement. Spread the word

Globally our waste levels increase by 30% during Holiday Season

Do you want to be on the planet’s “Nice List” this year? Then join us for our Jolly Green Holiday Challenge. We’ll be singing a new Christmas Carol for climate action this season… And we’ll encourage a Greener Christmas. Why? Because here at Resilience 2:1 we know it’s unsustainable to continue with holiday traditions that […]

Using Forests to Enhance Resilience to Climate Change

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Climate Change and Food Security: Risks and Responses

The effects of climate change on our ecosystems are already severe and widespread, and ensuring food security in the face of climate change is among the most daunting challenges facing humankind. While some of the problems associated with climate change are emerging gradually, action is urgently needed now in order to allow enough time to […]

Random acts of Green

Random Acts of Green® brings businesses and people together in an online membership community that empowers collective climate action. We believe that any change – no matter how big or how small – can add up to make a big collective impact. Our community recognizes that we all have a part to play in protecting […]