Information Category

Nature-based Solutions

SingularGreen is an unconventional landscaping company where we prioritize doing things right above all else. While this may seem obvious (who wouldn’t want to do things right?), it is what drives us to continually experiment, evolve, and now, share and spread our learnings. Spread the word

This heatwave is a climate omen

I know I’ve struggled with both alarm and despair this summer. The bad news seems relentless. The destruction of life and property amazing in scope. And crop failures will continue to impact us into the winter. What is truly worrying is that this is just the start of it all. How bad can it get? […]

Disaster Response Simulation

Strengthen your skills and put theory into practice with this free disaster response simulation course from Humanitarian U. Spread the word

Impacts of plastic pollution

The End Plastic Pollution campaign helps people understand the impacts of plastic pollution on human and ecosystem health and how everyday actions can lessen the problem. The campaign draws attention to the harmful effects of plastic in our environment — harming marine and human health, littering beaches and landscapes, clogging waste streams and landfills — and […]

Conservation & Biodiversity – Ladybugs

Ladybugs serve as natural pest control agents, benefiting humans by protecting plants and crops. With their appetite for harmful insects — especially aphids, a single ladybug can consume up to 50 aphids in a day. This makes them valuable allies for farmers and gardeners, significantly reducing the need for chemical pesticides which harm the environment […]

Assembling Recipes for Sustainability

I just received package of 50 Mail-Art works of artists all over the world exchanging ideas, objects and works [recipes] envisioning solutions for environmental concerns and ecological thinking. I participated before in similar collaborative artistic projects with notion that art is eternal, without end and the beginning. nizers were inspired by Mail-art practice and distributed […]

The Monitoring and Evaluating Climate Communication and Education Project

This project is an ambitious international research partnership of over 100 leading scholars and agencies. Our goal is to advance global climate literacy and action through improving the quality and quantity of climate change education, training, and public awareness.   Spread the word

Climate change is driving up the cost of living for Canadians.

According to the Canadian Climate Institute, climate change is driving up the cost of living for Canadians. And by 2025, it could even cost Canada $25 billion annually. Watch on YouTube => Spread the word