Information Category

Sustainability and Education Policy Network-Canada, Final Reports

These reports summarize synthesized findings from across the policy analysis, survey, and site visit case studies carried about by the SEPN-Canada project.  There are separate reports for primary/secondary education and higher education. Companion reports outlining policy and practice examples across whole institution domains are also available. The examples in the reports are drawn from the […]

Outcome of the first global stocktake – COP28

The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement, Recalling Article 2, paragraph 1, of the Paris Agreement, which provides that the Agreement, in enhancing the implementation of the Convention, including its objective, aims to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change, in the context […]


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Obstacles to action on climate change, all over the world

Climate accountability — investigating and understanding the various drivers of delay on climate action — is critical to understanding and addressing climate change. Our work includes both print and audio stories, and beginning in 2023, we also began co-publishing with a variety of other publications. We work with partners in a variety of ways, from […]

Is the torrent of climate disinformation still more powerful than available remedies?

Join thousands of researchers, policymakers, designers, and educators who rely on Anthropocene to keep up to date on the latest sustainability science and innovations. Spread the word

The Elders’ calls to action for COP28

The climate crisis is a global emergency and COP28 will serve as a pivotal moment for accountability on climate action. Leaders must demonstrate their commitment to charting a better future in Dubai.   Spread the word


HealthyPlan.City combines built environment datasets from different sources with demographic data from the Canadian Census to present a picture of environmental equity in urban areas for 129 cities across Canada. The data used in this tool covers municipalities in Canada with a population of over 30,000 individuals. Urban boundaries are established by Statistics Canada and […]

How cities are spearheading adaptation action

Cities, as hubs of innovation and diversity, play a critical role in leading climate action. From deploying Nature-based Solutions to implementing waste management techniques, they are not only adapting to the challenges posed by climate change but are setting examples on how to thrive in the face of climate change. Discover how cities part of […]