Information Category

Another day of dramatic climate action

The global youth climate strike on Friday, September 20, drew millions to the streets in more than 150 countries to protest weak corporate and government action on climate change. On Monday, activists kept up the pressure by blocking intersections in Washington, DC, and demonstrating in New York as the United Nations met for the Climate […]

Ozone Layer Preservation Day – 16 September

CAMS monitors a very unusual 2019 ozone hole Less than one month into the 2019 Antarctic ozone hole season, the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) has observed that this year’s hole is currently decreasing in size and will rapidly continue to do so over the next three days to reach an unprecedentedly small area for […]

Environment and intelligence

Environment and intelligence research investigates the impact of environment on intelligence. This is one of the most important factors in understanding human group differences in IQ test scores and other measures of cognitive ability. It is estimated that genes contribute about 20–40% of the variance in intelligence in childhood and about 80% in old age. […]

Why Greta Thunberg Captured Our Attention on Climate

We’re finally ready to absorb her bleak message, and maybe act on it. Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg poses for a photograph on board the Malizia II sailing yacht in Plymouth, England, on Aug. 13./ Ben Stanstall/AFP/Getty Images It’s been a year since teenage Swedish climate protester Greta Thunberg began her solitary school strike outside […]

This carbon calculator is provided free to use

Show you care for the environment and communities across the World by Carbon Offsetting. You can support Carbon Offsetting Projects that both tackle climate change and support impoverished communities across the world. Just click the ‘Offset’ button after you have finished your calculation. It takes only a few easy clicks and costs only a few […]

My Zero-Waste Challenge: One Day With One Kid

Using tote bags at the grocery store. Refusing straws. Taking my reusable coffee mug to a local cafe. But after another Plastic-Free July, I realized that my plastic-free efforts weren’t anything new. And actually, my efforts no longer felt good enough compared to being a zero-waster—that is, fitting a year’s amount of trash in a […]

Bringing Carbon Capture Project To Canada

LafargeHolcim is improving the carbon-efficiency of its cement with the launch of the CO₂MENT partnership project with Inventys and Total. According to LafargeHolcim, the project’s objective is to build the world’s first full-cycle solution to capture and reuse CO2 from a cement plant while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Spread the word

Climate Change in Canada | Climate Atlas of Canada

Welcome to the Climate Atlas. The Climate Atlas of Canada combines climate science, mapping and storytelling to bring the global issue of climate change closer to home for Canadians. It is designed to inspire local, regional, and national action that will let us move from risk to resilience. Spread the word