International Green Gown Awards

As you know Resilience 2 to 1 is Global Climate Letter Signatory

As you have committed to the Global Climate Letter ( we are encouraging you to share your projects by applying to the International Green Gown Awards. Applications are now open and close on 31 March 2020. Full details are at We look forward to receiving your applications. Please share across your networks.

Inspire and motivate your team, management and students to do more!

The International Green Gown Awards, supported by UN Environment, recognise exceptional sustainability initiatives being undertaken by universities and colleges around the globe. The Awards cover all aspects of educational institutions – from their teaching and research, leadership, buildings and food to how students can benefit the quality of life in the communities around them. The Awards provide the sector with benchmarks for excellence and are respected by Governments, funding councils, senior management, academics and students.
There are three categories institutions can apply to:

Benefitting Society
Student Engagement
Sustainability Institution of the Year

The International Green Gown Awards Stage 1 is open to any university or college across the world*. Apply today for an Award to open up new opportunities for your institution.

There is no limit on the number of applications or categories each institution can enter. Entry is free of charge.

Thanks to the Higher Education Sustainability Initiative, The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), L’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) and International Association of Universities (IAU) for supporting the International Green Gown Awards.

The deadline for applications is 31 March 2020.

You can apply now


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