Information Category

Climate Resiliency: Global Problem, Local Solutions

October 22nd to 24th, 2019 Seneca’s Green Citizen 2019 Symposium Third day was concluded with very inspirational talk by David Miller, ex mayor of largest city in Canada, Toronto, President and CEO of World Wild Life Canada and chair of the very influential C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group. Spread the word

Climate Resiliency: Global Problem, Local Solutions

October 22nd to 24th, 2019 Seneca’s Green Citizen 2019 Symposium This first day noted Speakers Elizabeth Hendriks from National Freshwater Programme at WWF–Canada and Caitriona O’Sullivan and Amy Buitenhuis from the City of Toronto’s Office of Emergency Management, made very exciting and informative presentations. Spread the word

New study pinpoints the places most at risk on a warming planet

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Why Big Banks Are Accused Of Funding The Climate Crisis

To save the world, we must follow the money, climate campaigners say. Rachel Heaton understands better than most the power banks have to shape our world. Heaton, a member of the Muckleshoot tribe, started to make the connection between money and climate change as an activist against the oil pipeline at Standing Rock, North Dakota. […]

Some economics nerds just realized how much climate change will cost us

A bunch of economists just put down their calculators and concluded that we should act on climate change sooner rather than later. Really. Spread the word

Bad ancestors: does the climate crisis violate the rights of those yet to be born?

Our environmental vandalism has made urgent the question of ethical responsibilities across decades and centuries What if climate breakdown is a violation of the rights of those yet to be born? Finally, this urgent question seems to be getting the attention it deserves. Last month an astonishing 7 million people from nearly 200 countries took […]

Be a good ancestor

Thousands of people are on the streets of Toronto in support of the Global Climate Strike movement. I just came back with some exciting photos! Spread the word

It’s the Environment, Stupid

There is a winning campaign theme that progressives can use against Trump, and it isn’t “Medicare for all.” I don’t know who sold progressive Democrats on the idea that the way to beat Donald Trump is to abolish the private health insurance of 160 million Americans and offer instead “Medicare for all” (and Mexico will […]