Information Category

Why The Solutions To Coronavirus And Climate Change Are The Same

This week we spoke with a doctor about why protecting the environment will not only make us healthier but also better equipped to take on future pandemics. Spread the word


Hello Members, this is not directly related to resilience but might be still of interest to some of us. I just finished this document for the company I am working for, D&G Accounting Services and they are making this available to the public. This a a complete list of Availability, Description, Qualification/ Eligibility Requirements  and […]

A Safe and Just Space for Humanity

Instead of focusing on the growth of the economy, Kate Raworth focuses on a model where there can be ensured that everyone on earth has access to their basic needs, such as adequate food and education, while not limiting opportunities for future generations by protecting our ecosystem. Spread the word

World in Recovery Mode

Maybe it is time now when we are performing “physical distancing” and some of us even “social isolation”, to make some rethinking about where we are going and take seriously fact how restrictions in movement and industrial activity, economy, and especially urban life is affecting climate change and state of almost “Uninhabitable Earth” can quickly […]

The Uninhabitable Earth

I just finished reading The Uninhabitable Earth – Life After Warming, by David Wallace-Wells, recommended to me by my daughter Una, also a member of our group. I am so impressed by this “brilliant and unsparing analysis of a nightmare that is no longer distant future.” In my opinion this is a book that everybody […]

Climate Change Scenarios

In the present study, a new downscaling technique is developed and applied to the Azores and Madeira islands. The technique is tested against observed climatology, constituting, in that case, an alternative to non-physical interpolating techniques widely used. The quest to investigate the impact of future global warming due to greenhouse gases concentration increases on the […]

International Green Gown Awards

As you know Resilience 2 to 1 is Global Climate Letter Signatory As you have committed to the Global Climate Letter ( we are encouraging you to share your projects by applying to the International Green Gown Awards. Applications are now open and close on 31 March 2020. Full details are at We look […]

Building Climate Resilience

The Building a Climate-Resilient City series was prepared for the City of Edmonton and the City of Calgary by the International Institute for Sustainable Development and the University of Winnipeg. Climate change will have serious impacts for cities. In coming decades, building resilience will be essential urban policy and a smart investment for cities. Spread the […]