Best Practices for Building Relationships with Policymakers

Topic: Best Practices for Building Relationships with Policymakers

Description: Research shows that one-on-one meetings with policy makers are one of the most impactful and necessary pieces of any advocacy strategy, but many are intimidated or fearful of meeting with elected officials. This Equity Advocates training provides an overview of why meeting with elected officials is an effective advocacy strategy along with practical tips and skills to prepare advocates and nonprofit leaders to engage policy makers at the city, state or federal level. We will cover the how tos – how to schedule, plan for, create impactful materials for, and run a successful meeting with a policy maker or staffer as well as how to leverage these relationships to advance organizational and/or campaign goals. This webinar is sponsored by the DOHMH Bureau of Harlem Neighborhood Health and The Tisch Food Center, Teachers College, Columbia University.

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