Author Archives: Aleksandar Janicijevic

Ten reasons to be hopeful about climate action

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How to build resilience

Strategies from mental health professionals on how to bounce back from challenges with actionable steps. Spread the word

Engaging Canadians on Continued Climate Action

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Portraits of Resilience

I would like to share with Resilience 2:1 community my work submitted for the Art Gallery of Ontario [AGO] “PORTRAITS of RESILIENCE” an open call for artists to participate in an online exhibition of artworks showcasing moments of emotion and RESILIENCE in everyday life. Spread the word

Climate Action Toolkit

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Lo—TEK: Design by Radical Indigenism

In her book “Lo—TEK: Design by Radical Indigenism” designer and activist Julia Watson urges us to use millennia-old knowledge to build a world in symbiosis with nature. Spread the word

Springer Nature, best service to the research community

Springer Nature is global publisher dedicated to providing the best possible service to the whole research community. We help authors to share their discoveries; enable researchers to find, access and understand the work of others and support librarians and institutions with innovations in technology and data. Spread the word

Amsterdam Is Embracing a Radical New Economic Theory to Help Save the Environment. Could It Also Replace Capitalism?

It’s the first time a major city has attempted to put doughnut theory into action on a local level, but Amsterdam is not alone. Raworth says DEAL has received an avalanche of requests from municipal leaders and others seeking to build more RESILIENT societies in the aftermath of COVID-19. Spread the word