Information Category

David Attenborough: collapse of civilisation is on the horizon

The collapse of civilisation and the natural world is on the horizon, Sir David Attenborough has told the UN climate change summit in Poland. The naturalist was chosen to represent the world’s people in addressing delegates of almost 200 nations who are in Katowice to negotiate how to turn pledges made in the 2015 Paris […]

The psychology of climate change: Why people deny the evidence

This week, representatives from more than 150 countries are meeting in Katowice, Poland, for COP 24, or the 24th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate. Their goal: to find ways to reduce carbon emissions in order to combat the effects of climate change. Spread the word

Financing Civic Futures – Building Civic Capital

On the occasion of the inaugural Future Cities Summit, we are sharing this provocation. At the Summit we have heard multifaceted perspectives on the great transition that our cities are facing, from addressing the challenges of the future of work, inequality, planning, affordability, climate change, resilience and next generation governance to name but a few. […]


Findings from an initial stocktake of climate change adaptation and urban resilience efforts “In 2015, nations reached a historic global agreement on climate change and made first commitments through the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) which outline their climate action ambition, addressing both climate change mitigation (or low emission development) and adaptation to climate change. Spread […]

25 Great Ideas of New Urbanism

This might not be directly related to Resilience 2 to 1, but material explored here is very valuable source of new ideas. [A.J.] The 25 ideas explored here highlight the ongoing impact of New Urbanism on communities and the built environment. Not all of these ideas were invented by new urbanists, but new urbanists have […]

How warm things will get by city in the USA

New article at VOX on how warm things will get by city in the USA. The overall conclusion is that the further north you go the more warming in summer and winter. That is especially true for Canada which is warming twice as much twice as fast as most places on earth. Spread the word

Huge responsibility for the world

Saw this just now. Seems Canada has a huge responsibility for the world’s remaining biocapacity. Five countries hold 70% of world’s last wildernesses, map … A Xikrin woman walks back to her village from the Cateté River in Brazil. Photograph: Taylor Weidman/Getty Images Just five countries hold 70% of the world’s remaining untouched […]

Don’t despair: the climate fight is only over if you think it is – Rebecca Solnit, The Guardian

Best optimistic article after IPCC Report! Don’t despair: the climate fight is only over if you think it is Rebecca Solnit, The Guardian Link to the whole article After the panicky IPCC report on climate change, it’s easy for pessimism to set in – but that would be conceding defeat. The future hasn’t already been […]