Author Archives: Aleksandar Janicijevic

Save Old Growth

A Mississauga-based company is using drone technology to plant trees in forests devastated by wildfires. Erica Natividad with how it works and their partnership with the federal government. Spread the word

Climate Voice

A network of labour, environmental, climate and social justice groups that seeks to mobilize broadly to fight for climate justice: any solutions to the climate crisis must also address the inequalities of the system for Indigenous peoples, racialized and marginalized communities and workers. Spread the word

Climate Trace

Most human economic activities release greenhouse gases into the earth’s atmosphere. We use satellites and other remote sensing technologies to spot these emissions activities, not just the big, obvious things, but also the tricky ones that move and the less obvious ones. We combine many sources of information because the more we know about each emissions source, the […]

2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference

Since the Earth Summit in 1992, when nine stakeholder groups—including local authorities—were designated as essential partners in implementing the global sustainability agenda, the Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) Constituency has represented networks of local and regional governments under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). We have served as the voice of […]


The Living Planet Report 2022 is a comprehensive study of trends in global biodiversity and the health of the planet. This flagship WWF publication reveals an average decline of 69% in species populations since 1970. While conservation efforts are helping, urgent action is required if we are to reverse nature loss. Spread the word

A Resilience Workshop

Only the most recent in an increasing string of highly destructive events, Hurricane Ian brought now familiar scenes of upended buildings and electrical outages that are now familiar, but also an aerial perspective of pollution turning Florida waterways and the Gulf of Mexico a shade of “root beer.” This mix of sewage, fertilizer, fuel runoff, […]

Climate Crisis? What Climate Crisis?

In all the talk about the Paris Agreement, reached at the twenty-first Conference of Parties (COP21) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris in 2015, it is sometimes forgotten that the world’s political leaders have held negotiations about climate change at the highest possible level for at least three decades. Many […]

One Billion – Resilient by 2030

The Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center (Arsht-Rock) builds individual and community resilience in the face of climate impacts. We are driven to action by the critical need to address the widespread and intensifying consequences of climate change and related risks — threatening our communities, natural ecosystems, economic development, and political stability. We pledge to reach […]