Information Category

Model metropolis for an era of high temperatures

Cities are hot. When you cover the ground with asphalt and concrete, jam millions of cars together on congested streets, and erect thousands of buildings that leak their own heat, you create what experts call an “urban heat island.” Daytime temperatures in these places can be as much as 7 degrees Fahrenheit higher than surrounding rural […]

The cost of climate change

One of the arguments against decarbonizing the economy is that it would be too costly. It would cause economic loss and upheaval. There are other arguments against using certain decarbonization technologies like nuclear for energy generation, again based on cost. However, our new planet requires new economics. At some point, and we might be getting close, […]

Eco-grief: Coping with our climate crisis

I’ve been struggling with grieving all summer. It has seemed overwhelming. I’m glad there is more discussion about it all. That is critical but now we need political action to make change. And yet, on Thanksgiving, I am still full of gratitude for the beauty of the world around me. The fall colors are lovely. […]

The Climate Changed What do we do now?

I was reminded by the recent flooding in New York City how climate change impacts cities. Our roads turn into death traps during such flash floods. How do we need to rethink and redesign roads? One idea is to consider water containment and removal wholistically along with roads. That is, use green infrastructure along with […]

Planet Wreckers: How 20 Countries’ Oil and Gas Extraction Plans Risk Locking in Climate Chaos

If these 20 Planet Wreckers said “no” to their planned new oil and gas production, as the UN Secretary General is urging them to, 173 billion tonnes (Gt) of carbon pollution would be kept in the ground. That is equivalent to the lifetime pollution of nearly 1,100 new coal plants, or more than 30 years […]

The climate crisis is a crisis of inequality

Our collective inaction on climate breakdown reflects in part our failure to acknowledge that the climate crisis is a crisis of inequality, and that solving the climate crisis is inextricably tied with the politics and economics of inequality. Put simply, redistribution from rich to poor, whether domestically or internationally, is a climate policy, and climate […]

“Nature is the source of all true knowledge.” – Leonardo da Vinci

Today, we’re celebrating the incredible fusion of innovation and technology in the battle to protect our planet. Today’s particular focus? Spread the word

What is Climate Resilience?

We’re in a climate crisis. As the world warms, people across the globe face daunting new challenges, on a scale never seen before. To withstand those challenges—and to thrive—we need climate resilience. Spread the word