Information Category

New Sustainable Building Materials Developed from Trees

Researchers have identified two tree species that they think are a good source of wood for a new sustainable type of building material that could promote a more environmentally friendly construction industry. Spread the word

Very cool: trees stalling effects of global heating

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An eye to the past, an eye to the future

One of the major impediments to understand and engage with climate change is the notion of it being an intangible process that occurs in elements and spatio-temporal scales that are largely inaccessible to human spatio-temporal scales. In this paper we argue that art can engage and inform publics about crucial environmental issues of the Anthropocene, […]

Beware climate populism

The climate crisis is turning more severe with every passing year, and we are coming close to a point where it would no longer be possible to ignore or deny its existence. Sea levels rise, weather conditions become ever more extreme, oscillating between drought and torrent. Crops die en masse, reducing access to goods and […]

Green Initiatives – WMCC

This unique nature school located on Toronto Island and serving the waterfront community will celebrate its 50th year of operations. Over the last 7 years, two of my granddaughters have had an exceptional experience there. The unique natural environment on the island offsets the urban reality of living downtown, allowing children to experience daily interactions […]

FOLLOW THIS. Green shareholders change the world

The oil industry can make or break the Paris climate agreement. But we have the power to change oil companies from within – as shareholders. Follow This unites responsible shareholders to push Big Oil to go green. Business as usual is over. Spread the word


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Sustainability and Education Policy Network-Canada, Final Reports

These reports summarize synthesized findings from across the policy analysis, survey, and site visit case studies carried about by the SEPN-Canada project.  There are separate reports for primary/secondary education and higher education. Companion reports outlining policy and practice examples across whole institution domains are also available. The examples in the reports are drawn from the […]