Author Archives: Cheryl Bradbee

Note to R2:1 Members

Meetings I have been to that may require action 1. CrewResilience; 2. Climate Action Network; 3. Deb Morrison; 4. ACE meeting; 5. Hadi’s project Spread the word

ACIDO Rocket 2021 Sustainability Award

We are proud to announce that our student Moriah Gonidis, Humber College, climate change class, winter 2020, won the ACIDO Rocket 2021 Sustainability Award. ACIDO stands for Association of Chartered Industrial Designer of Ontario. Spread the word

What does a future-proofed home look like?

The three-storey house in the Hertfordshire village of Wheathampstead has 35 solar panels that produce more energy than Mr Heal and his wife can use, so they can sell surplus electricity. The house is fully electric. The couple plan to buy solar battery storage so that even more of their energy is useable. Spread the […]

Sustainable isn’t a thing

A pheasant struts around the Garden of Eden. The pheasant is, well, a pheasant, a male, with those long, jaunty tail feathers; the Garden of Eden is the semi-serious name given by Dan Cox, a 39-year-old chef turned farmer, to a patch of land about half the size of a football pitch on his farm […]

The health costs of climate change

Climate change is not just an environmental and economic threat. It’s also a threat to public health—and policy isn’t keeping up. The second report in our Costs of Climate Change series finds that the impacts of climate change on health could cost Canada’s healthcare system billions of dollars and reduce economic activity by tens of […]

Why planting a tree is a radical act – Joseph Beuys

In 1982, artist, environmental activist and German Green Party founder Joseph Beuys began what was arguably his most seminal work: the planting of 7,000 oak trees around a city in central Germany. Beuys conceived 7000 Eichen (or Oaks) as a way of re-connecting the traumatised citizens of Kassel – which had been heavily bombed in […]

Let’s make our children’s children proud

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Canada’s Drive to Net Zero

The Trudeau government began its second term pledging tougher 2030 carbon targets, a net-zero target for 2050, greater climate accountability, and a whole-of-government response to the climate crisis. With the focus now shifting to building back better through green recovery investments, will Canada show up as a climate leader or laggard, at home and abroad? […]