Author Archives: Aleksandar Janicijevic

The 2024 climate crisis forecast

After the hottest year on record, what can we expect—and what must we accomplish—in the year ahead. Having clocked the hottest year ever in 2023, and hotter by much more than expected, people are more concerned than ever about what the future holds for us with respect to climate change. 2023 is the year that the […]

Building Resilience to Climate Change in Informal Settlements

Community and city government led measures to upgrade settlements can enhance resilience to climate change risks and serve vulnerable groups. Most upgrading programs were not designed as responses to climate change, but they can provide the foundation into which climate change resilience and disaster risk reduction can be fully integrated. Spread the word

MaRS Discovery District

Carbon dioxide emissions continue to rise. In 2022, emissions increased 0.9 percent, releasing 36.8 gigatonnes into the atmosphere. At 419 parts per million, the carbon levels in the Earth’s atmosphere are higher than they have been at any other time in the last 800,000 years, and a whopping 150 percent higher than they were at […]

Fighting Plastic

International Women’s Day originated at the dawn of the 20th century, a pivotal era marked by revolutionary ideals, sweeping transformations, and boundless expansion. A century ago, society was amid a profound period of progress and positive change. However, today — while the world grapples with shifting dynamics — these changes are not universally uplifting. Spread […]

An eye to the past, an eye to the future

One of the major impediments to understand and engage with climate change is the notion of it being an intangible process that occurs in elements and spatio-temporal scales that are largely inaccessible to human spatio-temporal scales. In this paper we argue that art can engage and inform publics about crucial environmental issues of the Anthropocene, […]

Beware climate populism

The climate crisis is turning more severe with every passing year, and we are coming close to a point where it would no longer be possible to ignore or deny its existence. Sea levels rise, weather conditions become ever more extreme, oscillating between drought and torrent. Crops die en masse, reducing access to goods and […]

Green Initiatives – WMCC

This unique nature school located on Toronto Island and serving the waterfront community will celebrate its 50th year of operations. Over the last 7 years, two of my granddaughters have had an exceptional experience there. The unique natural environment on the island offsets the urban reality of living downtown, allowing children to experience daily interactions […]


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