The Voice of Present & Future Generations

Green Hope Foundation is an ECOSOC-accredited youth-led Not-for-Profit registered in Canada with operations in 26 countries.

As a global social innovation enterprise, we combine grassroots action with advocacy at the highest levels of policy making to create a just, equitable, peaceful and nuclear-weapons-free world. The anthropogenic impacts of climate change and biodiversity loss disproportionately affect regions and communities least responsible for it – amongst them young people, the old and the infirm, women and girls, indigenous communities – most of whom are from the global south. Our actions are therefore driven through a human and planetary lens, built on the pillars of multilateralism, collaboration and intergenerational solidarity.

We use Education for Sustainable Development as a transformative tool to empower youth and adults alike, providing them with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors to think and act for a sustainable future.

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