Perhaps you want to know what they know?

What would you ask?

If you could ask a post-secondary student anything about climate change, what would you ask? Perhaps you want to know what they know? Or are they afraid or concerned? Are they depressed? Do they think anything can be done? What should they do?
Whatever it is, please let us know.
R2:1 has applied for funding to survey post-secondary students across Canada. We want to send out a few test questions to start getting people engaged. So, what would you ask if you could ask them anything about climate change? They will live their whole lives with it so it is important that we know what they know or how they feel or what motivates them. We hope this information will enable post-secondary institutions of all types to better prepare post-secondary students for the future.
Please Submit your answers to:
Cheryl Bradbee
Chair of the Board

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