What is Resilience? A Framework for Weathering Stormy Times

By Ariane Laxo – 09.02.2020

As our world has become more complex, so too have the solutions for weathering chaotic times. The concept of resilience—bouncing back quickly from disruptions—has always been part of strong design planning.

A resilient organization or community will survive, adapt, or grow after any disruption. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the awareness of external risks (pandemics, economic disruptions, climate change, security risks, infrastructure failures, social stressors, and natural disasters) that have the potential to disrupt. The importance of using a resilience planning framework as an integral part of the design process has grown amidst the compounding risks of COVID-19, climate change, social unrest, and economic uncertainty.

We work with clients to forecast potential risks, assess the likelihood and impact of each risk, and plan for resilient mitigation strategies. As the current pandemic has proven, there are no easy answers. But by opening a dialogue around resilience with clients across diverse industries, we are implementing solutions to better prepare their organizations for the unknowns that lie ahead.

Watch a breakdown of HGA’s resilience framework =>

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