The Climate Emergency is our Generation’s Biggest Challenge

Alliance for Climate Education [ACE] educates, inspires and supports young people to lead the fight for their future. We ensure they have everything they need to understand the science and advocate for solutions to the climate emergency.

25 Million high schoolers educated about the climate emergency and the possible solutions
We educate students nationwide through our award-winning resource, Our Climate Our Future.
Visit Our Climate Our Future =>


ACE educates, inspires and supports young people to lead the fight for their future. We ensure they have everything they need to understand the science and advocate for solutions to the climate emergency.

We envision a world in which a global movement, rich in youth leadership, has turned the tide on climate change. We believe an equitable, biodiverse, carbon neutral future is still within reach if we, the people, compel our leaders to act.

We believe in justice and equity. Communities most impacted by racial injustice and social inequity are also those most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. We place special focus on lifting up these voices within the global climate movement.

We believe in telling the whole truth, because young people have the right to understand the science of the climate emergency and how it is inextricably linked to the economic, social, and leadership choices we make.

We believe in the creativity and power of young people to lead the way in imagining a better future — a future safe from climate chaos, free from environmental injustice, rich in biodiversity and prosperous for all.

We believe in the courage of young people to stand up against misinformation, falsehoods and climate injustice wherever they occur.

Visit our website for more information =>

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