Resilience 2 to 1 group signatory to the Global Climate Letter

Hello Resilience 2to1 members it is my pleasure to let you know that we are recognized as a signatory to the Global Climate Letter. Aleks

We are writing to you as your institution is a signatory to the Global Climate Letter and this is being profiled at COP25 in Madrid over the next few days.

Networks and institutions of higher and further education have come together to showcase their commitments towards the attainment of SDG 4 (Education) and 13 (Climate Change) by signing on to a Global Climate Letter. This was initiated by EAUC, Global Alliance, Second Nature and UN Environment.

The Global Climate Letter now has signatories from nearly 250 institutions representing 4,559,315 students! With a further 16,696 institutions represented by network signatories. You should be proud of your institution’s commitment and leadership.

We are delighted to announce that the Global Climate Letter will be presented at COP25 on Friday 6th December by Tim Carter of Second Nature during the US Climate Action Centre and on Thursday 12th December during an UN event on Climate Change Education. The scope of these events will be to share what higher and further education institutions and networks in the world are doing to take action around Climate Change.

It is wonderful that your institution is recognising the need for a drastic societal shift to combat the growing threat of climate change and we are asking you, as a signatory institution to the Global Climate Letter, to help share this with your staff, students and fellow institutions in your newsletters and across social media. To assist with this, you may wish to use the suggested tweets:

As a proud signatory of the Global Climate Letter initiated by @TheEAUC, @LeadOnClimate, @UNEP and #GlobalAlliance, we want to encourage more institutions to show the power of education in tackling the climate crisis #COP25 –

We thank you once again for your support on the Global Climate Letter and look forward to working with you to increase the voice of education.

With Kind Regards,

The Global Climate Letter Team

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