Resources: Global Problem – Local Solutions

As I promised few day ago I am including here temporary and in our resources page permanently links to the topics noted speakers talked about on the “Climate Resiliency: Global Problem – Local Solutions” symposium.

Freshwater Canada’s lakes, rivers, streams and wetlands, hold 20 per cent of the world’s freshwater. With such richness comes responsibility to protect watersheds for the wildlife and people who rely on them.

The Sustainable Technologies Evaluation Program (STEP) – is a conservation authority-led initiative [Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA)] that fosters broader implementation of technologies that protect water resources and reduce our carbon footprint.

The City of Toronto’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM) – coordinates major emergency and disaster planning and management. It is responsible for the City’s corporate emergency preparedness by developing programs and plans to prevent disasters, if possible and reducing the vulnerability of residents to any disaster that cannot be prevented.

In the face of widespread wildlife loss and climate change, WWF-Canada’s new nation-wide assessment maps gaps in essential wildlife habitat protection and opportunities to protect areas that benefit biodiversity while slowing climate change.

Efficient Heating and Cooling for Residential and Commercial Buildings – Without the Construction Costs. Subterra Renewables develops and operates thermal energy systems using the latest geothermal and heat recovery technology. We help building developers reduce costs while helping them meet the unique energy needs and carbon reduction goals of their buildings.

Sustainable Food Systems – The undersigned civil society organizations, in the areas of farming, fisheries, environment, animal welfare, health, consumers, consumer co-operatives, development, social justice, climate, and forestry, are writing to you to seek a new direction in the way food policies are made and priorities are set.

The Toronto Green Standard – is Toronto’s sustainable design requirements for new private and city-owned developments. The Standard consists of tiers of performance measures with supporting guidelines that promote sustainable site and building design. Tier 1 of the Toronto Green Standard is a mandatory requirement of the planning approval process.

C40 CITIES is a network of the world’s megacities committed to addressing climate change. C40 supports cities to collaborate effectively, share knowledge and drive meaningful, measurable and sustainable action on climate change.

Around the world, C40 Cities connects 94 of the world’s greatest cities to take bold climate action, leading the way towards a healthier and more sustainable future. Representing 700+ million citizens and one quarter of the global economy, mayors of the C40 cities are committed to delivering on the most ambitious goals of the Paris Agreement at the local level, as well as to cleaning the air we breathe.

Canada’s Dietary Guidelines set out Health Canada’s guidelines and considerations on healthy eating. The objectives of the guidelines are to promote healthy eating and overall nutritional well-being, and support improvements to the Canadian food environment.

Seneca HELIX – is dedicated to developing the entrepreneurial mindset. We accomplish this by providing knowledge, mentorship, sessions, workspace, access to like-minded peer community, and experiential opportunities.

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