Author Archives: Aleksandar Janicijevic

Better World

“Impact Day has become an integral part of the DNA at UM, bonding employees to each other, to the agency and to their communities,” said Anthony Hello, Senior Vice President and Better World Global Chair, UM. “By inspiring change and making an impact within our local communities, this day of service truly embodies the better […]

Irvin Studin – Canada – Population 100 Million

In this eighth of a series of micro-lectures to mark the 10th anniversary of Global Brief Magazine, Editor-in-Chief & Publisher Irvin Studin returns to his classic 2010 GB article, “Canada – Population 100 Million,” which created significant national and international debate. He outlines the three most important, but perhaps least appreciated, qualifications, nuances or complications […]

The eco–design handbook: a complete sourcebook for home and office

Recently I found this very exciting eco–design handbook published in 2004, way before it was fashionable to talk about eco-design. It mostly concerns my personal aspect of how designers can save the earth, related to the climate problems, but it is excellent resource for anybody interested. Read more => Spread the word

WHAT LIES BENEATH: The Understatement Of Existential Climate Risk

Three decades ago, when serious debate on human-induced climate change began at the global level, a great deal of statesmanship was on display. There was a preparedness to recognise that this was an issue transcending nation states, ideologies and political parties which had to be addressed proactively in the long-term interests of humanity as a […]

We need to tell people about climate change and how they can deal with it

If they can do it, we should be doing it too. I am talking about Canada, Ontario, Toronto or at least communities creating strategic plan!  The recently launched Maldivian Red Crescent (MRC) STRATEGIC PLAN 2019–2030 calls for the inclusion of “integrated risk assessments into island, city and national development planning”. Read more=> Spread the word

Join youth strikers demanding climate action May 24, 2019

On Friday May 24, 2019, youth activists across the world are striking for climate action in their local communities and countries. Organizers like Greta, Alienor and Grace are working hard to remind us that, in the face of climate change, we need to come together and take action to bring our hopes and dreams to […]

Species Are Going Extinct At An Unprecedented Rate

A 2019 global analysis of the state of nature (read about it here), compiled by 150 experts from 50 countries… Spread the word

Impact of Climate Change and Adaptation Measures

Spending some time on the beautiful island of Madeira, Autonomous region of Portugal and integral part of European Union, was a chance to examine how seriously EU is thinking about impact of Climate Change. READ MORE => Spread the word