MaRS Discovery District

This report by MaRS Discovery District is offering extensive information about the state of Canadian climate innovation. I think that it will be useful to our members as a reference. Check it out. Aleks



Carbon dioxide emissions continue to rise. In 2022, emissions increased 0.9 percent, releasing 36.8 gigatonnes into the atmosphere. At 419 parts per million, the carbon levels in the Earth’s atmosphere are higher than they have been at any other time in the last 800,000 years, and a whopping 150 percent higher than they were at the beginning of the industrial age.

Canadian atmospheric scientist Katharine Hayhoe puts it bluntly: “We need solutions at every single level, because what is at stake, is quite literally us — we humans, and many of the other living things that share this home with us.”

In this report we dive into emerging technologies that can help tackle the climate crisis from all angles.

Carbon Solutions
Sustainable Cities
Sustainable Materials
Sustainable Mining
Clean Water and Oceans
What’s Next

On page 43 last sentence is this:”

Tackling the climate crisis isn’t easy — and it won’t happen overnight — but by joining forces, it is possible to change course and envision a brighter, cleaner future.”

We have complete report for your future reference in our files in => PDF format


You can find it on-line here =>

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