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Our Planet is Precious: Reasons for Hope
As our climate stability ends and nature declines at rates unprecedented in human history, Sir David Attenborough (Hon Patron of the Cambridge Conservation Initiative) talks about the urgent need for action.
Built on a feminist lens for climate and social justice, its practice is to create in a way that is good for the planet and good for people.
Practical Ways to Save Water at Home
Water conservation is not just an act of environmental stewardship; it’s a necessity for sustainable living and reducing household expenses.
Complete IPCC Sixth Assessment Report
The IPCC is currently in its Sixth Assessment cycle, during which the IPCC will produce the Assessment reports.
Today, February 27, 2022, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC] released a IPCC Sixth Assessment Report on climate “Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability.”
ICLEI is the leading global network of 1,500+ cities, towns and regions committed to building a sustainable future. Through our collective efforts, we impact more than 25 percent of the global urban population.

In our urban era, cities are a driving force for global sustainable development

At the ICLEI World Congress 2018 in Montréal, local and regional leaders across the ICLEI network released the ICLEI Montréal Commitment and Strategic Vision. This vision orients their path towards urban transformation and sets a course for delivering on the global sustainable development agenda.
Global Risks report 2016
This report features perspectives from nearly 750 experts on the perceived impact and likelihood of 29 prevalent global risks over a 10-year timeframe. The risks are divided into five categories: economic, environmental, geopolitical, societal and technological.
Open Minds: Art as an Early Warning System
International artists, experts & audiences in conversationabout risk, resilience & resources
Global forces affect everyone – join us for an outdoor dialogue between German & Canadian thinkers & makers to explore how arts, culture and nature can help us adapt to a world in flux.Amid increasing challenges to societal resilience in the face of global mega-trends, the Goethe-Institut Toronto is hosting a summer conversation series on three evenings at Harbourfront Centre’s Yo-Yo Ma Toronto Music Garden.
NetZeroCities is supporting the EU’s Mission of “100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030”
BC Professionals’ Adaptation Network | Climate change demands new ways of thinking and doing.
Link to Climate Adaptation Competency Framework, 83 pages PDF document.

Saving Money and the Environment by Recycling and Donating. One material that often goes overlooked is textiles. Clothing is all too frequently tossed into the garbage, from where it will eventually wind up in a landfill.
Climate emotions and anxiety among young people in Canada: A national survey and call to action
Young people have a unique positionality in relation to the mental and emotional dimensions of climate change: they have contributed the least to the crisis, they are and will be disproportionately impacted, and they have limited opportunities and invaluable perspectives for influencing action
The climate crisis is a global emergency and COP28 will serve as a pivotal moment for accountability on climate action. Leaders must demonstrate their commitment to charting a better future in Dubai. The Elders’ calls to action for COP28
Guide to Going Green at Home
It can be overwhelming to figure out how to be more environmentally friendly at home, especially with a tight budget. Fortunately, there are many ways that being sustainable and saving money can go hand in hand.
Guide to Green Shopping
What does shopping have to do with the environment? A lot, actually! When people shop, the choices that they make have a profound effect on the world around them.
How to Reduce Your Household’s Carbon Footprint
Top five actions you can take to address the top carbon emitters in your home.
1. Buy mindfully. Buy less
2. Drive slower or ride with others.
3. Optimize your home’s HVAC
4. Eat less meat and diary
5. Buy high efficiency appliances
The so­-called “sharing movement” signifies a paradigm shift that has changed the way we perceive and formulate new ideas and knowledge. Emerging technologies and economies associated with the movement are calling into question the actions and norms that drive every aspect of our lives, from the way we work and travel, to how we think about shelter and social engagement.
Call for Proposals
The Monitoring and Evaluating Climate Communication and Education (MECCE) Project is seeking to fund Case Studies of existing innovative climate change communication and education (CCE) to inform global understandings of quality CCE.

Plant-based eating and living for a more sustainable future
The UN Sustainable Development Goals indicate that alternate proteins must be part of a societal healthy diet by 2030 if we are going to mitigate climate change risks.

World hunger has been a significant issue at least since records began. Over the last century, mankind has taken huge strides toward solving the crisis. But more needs to be done. The world produces enough food to feed all 8 billion inhabitants, yet millions of children still go to bed hungry every night.
These are about mushrooms and their environmental contribution.
FOLLOW THIS. Green shareholders change the world. Our Mission is to Big Oil put their brains and billions in clean energy. This is essential for tackling the climate crisis.
Food Security – IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land
Observed climate change is already affecting food security through increasing temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and greater frequency of some extreme events (high confidence).

Cuba Begins 100-Year Plan to Protect Itself From Climate Change
A decade in the making, the program bans construction of new homes in threatened coastal areas, mandates relocating people from communities doomed by rising sea levels, calls for an overhaul of the country’s agricultural system to shift crop production away from saltwater-contaminated areas, and spells out the need to shore up coastal defenses, including by restoring degraded habitat.
Efficient Heating and Cooling for Residential and Commercial Buildings – Without the Construction Costs. Subterra Renewables develops and operates thermal energy systems using the latest geothermal and heat recovery technology. We help building developers reduce costs while helping them meet the unique energy needs and carbon reduction goals of their buildings.
Springer Nature is global publisher dedicated to providing the best possible service to the whole research community. They help authors to share their discoveries; enable researchers to find, access and understand the work of others and support librarians and institutions with innovations in technology and data.

Links to some relevant websites