• TakingITGlobal is one of the world’s leading networks of young people learning about, engaging with, and working towards tackling global challenges.
• Welcome to the Green Citizen, a public outreach initiative of the Green Citizen Campaign at Seneca College in Toronto, Canada.
• Together we can help improve the overall quality of life for individuals and family members suffering from asbestos-related diseases such as lung cancer and mesothelioma.
• Urban Squares Project
Collection of Urban Squares. Research done from a vintage point between art and science, which allows them to decipher and observe universal urban connections.
• A resource for alcohol rehabilitation and stopping drinking during the COVID-1 pandemic [UK]
• Lung Cancer Group, website was created to be a source of hope and empowerment for those affected by lung cancer, mesothelioma, and other asbestos-related diseases.
• Green New Deal for U.S. States. In support of a global project to fight climate change, two new studies by PERI researchers Robert Pollin, Heidi Garrett-Peltier, and Jeannette Wicks-Lim show how state-level policies can achieve three critical goals
• 10 Best Alcohol Detox And Rehab Centers In The U.S.
Alcohol detox centers allow you to rid your body of alcohol and other substances of abuse
• Providing Hope for Mesothelioma Patients. For over 20 years, our caring team has helped mesothelioma patients and their loved ones, providing free mesothelioma resources about top treatments, specialists, financial assistance, and more.
• Asbestos Safety Resource. Guide on why asbestos abatement should be left to professionals
• Living with the medical consequences of asbestos exposure. Helping to bring you hope, faith, and action when navigating through mesothelioma.
• Helpful Resources for Mesothelioma Patients. We can connect you with medical professionals, top treatments, and financial aid
• Find a Leading Mesothelioma Lawyer in Your Area. Get the answers to any questions you have about asbestos, mesothelioma, legal representation, and compensation.
• Drug Dangers was developed to educate the public and lend a hand to people who have been affected by defective drugs and medical devices.
• Lung Cancer Center is here to provide the information and resources you need to understand the diagnosis.
• Alcohol Effects, Addiction Treatment, and Resources, general resources to anyone experiencing alcohol use disorder.
• Saving Money and the Environment by Recycling and Donating. One material that often goes overlooked is textiles. Clothing is all too frequently tossed into the garbage, from where it will eventually wind up in a landfill.
• The Global Commission on Adaptation was launched with the mandate to accelerate adaptation by elevating the political visibility of adaptation and focusing on concrete solutions.
• The National Center for Emotional Wellness defines the term as “an awareness, understanding, and acceptance of your emotions and your ability to manage effectively through challenges and change.”
• Mesothelioma Justice Network fights on behalf of patients, demanding justice from negligent asbestos companies. Know your legal rights and take action today.
• is on a mission to create the best possible platform to provide people access and guides regarding mental health and substance abuse.
• Otisak klimatskih promena sada je vidljiv u svakom danu na našoj planeti – Početkom ove godine istraživači sa Instituta za klimatske i atmosferske nauke, ETH univerziteta u Cirihu, objavili su rad u časopisu Nature Climate Change u kome tvrde da se klimatske promene mogu uočiti u svakodnevnim vremenskim uslovima na našoj planeti.