Canada is changing climate?

It is happening twice as much and twice as fast as most of the rest of the planet. In other words, while Canadians often appear to think that global warming is not really affecting them, we are more affected than the rest of the world. This is especially true in the Arctic and subarctic regions. When climate changes ecosystems shift quickly.

That affects all species dependent upon that ecosystem. Some species will move. Some will adapt. Many will die off. That affects our ability to harvest resources from the land and sea. This may directly affect our ability to feed ourselves and will surely affect our economy.

Biocapacity enhancement is critical for Canadians to be resilient in the future. Hence Resilience 2:1. But note, we long for the day when it will have to be changed to Resilience 3:1 or better. Our proposal is simple, for every measure of consumption and waste we humans produce we need to commit to producing twice as much biocapacity. That means planting trees, many more of them and faster, rehabilitating lost habitats, renaturalizing, rewilding, and renewing ecosystems that have already shifted and changed to enhance their capacities. It is a lot of work but the end result will be a Canada that can better weather the storms and deal with a changed planet.

Resilience 2 to 1 Position Paper
Certificate of Incorporation


It involves new ways of thinking, new design work, different ways of producing food, different ways of eating, building and maintaining shelter and getting around from one place to another. In the end, increased biocapacity leads to increased resilience to shocks and changes which leads to a more sustainable life for all of us.

Resilience 2:1 – a simple way to remember what we owe ourselves and the rest of the planet as we seek a quality of life for all.

Research papers by our members