Research – Resilience Forever

William Humber, MES, Director, Office of Eco-Seneca initiatives (OESi), and the Energy Training Office at Seneca College

Cheryl Bradbee, BPhil, MCS, MDiv, MLA, PhD


Resilience Forever: Towards a System of Higher Yearning!
William Humber, MES, Director, Office of Eco-Seneca initiatives (OESi), and the Energy Training Office at Seneca College

Of course the first part of the title is a near redundancy but it has become increasingly obvious that while our climate change policies and programs may have real impact in some distant time, for the immediate future the damage of CO2 emissions is already occurring.

Full text of this paper in PDF Document 

Urban Resilience and Social Capital
By Cheryl Bradbee, BPhil, MCS, MDiv, MLA, PhD

Resilience, the inherent ability within people and places for anticipating, managing, and safely overcoming system-wide shock in the event of energy loss, food shortages, waste build-up, excess or diminished water supply, catastrophic weather or geologic events, and other unanticipated natural or human-made disasters, is essential to the safety and continuing adaptability of urban areas highly dependent on external centralized sources for personal comfort and ongoing commercial undertakings.

Full text of this paper in PDF Document


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